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Did you hear the news? Training while injured is beneficial!

Damian Martinez

Have you injured a limb and stopped strength training?

What if i told you we can maintain strength in the injured limb by strength training the healthy limb?

The Cross-Education Phenomenon has shown that when one limb is trained through strength exercises or skill development, there can be noticeable improvements in the strength and coordination of the opposite, injured limb. This phenomenon highlights the complex network of neural connections that exist within our bodies, allowing for a transfer of skills and adaptations to the injured limb. When we engage in physical activities that target specific muscle groups or movements, it strengthens not only the targeted limb, but also decreases the rate at which strength decreases in the injured limb.

Whether you're in a cast or brace, the urge to get back into sports can be frustrating. So, why not invest in yourself and be more prepared for the day when you get back to playing the sport you love. Make the best out of the situation you're in and set yourself up for success by being proactive and strength train through your recovery process.

This is important for athletes and individuals looking to enhance their performance or recover from injuries. By harnessing the power of neural adaptations through targeted training and rehabilitation programs, individuals can optimize their recovery process, leading to decreased strength loss in the injured limb and aides in speeding up the return to play process. Don't let your muscles and strength on your injured limb decrease to the point where you have to start from zero.

Here at Victory Performance we always encourage athletes with injures to be proactive and train what we can train. Injured leg? Injured arm? Finding the solutions can be as simple as finding similar movement patterns without using the injured limb using resistance machines and/or body weight/free weight variations. The point I'm trying to make is TRAINING WHILE INJURED IS BENEFICIAL!

It isn't just beneficial for our body. It’s helps athletes mentally by allowing us to focus our energy into something positive. Anybody who has dealt with a sports injury knows how mentally challenging the recovery process can be. It’s widely known that exercise improves mental health. It makes sense to continue to exercise during a mentally challenging time like when you have an injury!



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